Enum TransactionFailureCode
Reasons a transaction may fail to commit
Namespace: DesignData.SDS2.Database
Assembly: DesignData.SDS2.Database.dll
public enum TransactionFailureCode
Name | Description |
BrokenApartMemberGroupingViolation | An attempt was made to remove part of a linked member (generally these are the pieces of a broken apart member) from a group without removing all of the other members in that link. |
ConnectionDesignFailure | Connection design failed. |
DefunctModifier | Usually an internal issue, an element of the transaction seems to have disappeared during commit. |
InvalidMemberOrientation | Attempt to set an orientation flag for a member which SDS2 does not support. |
InvalidStitchPlateValue | The user stitch plate settings given are not necessarily possible, so the change is being rejected. |
KeepPiecemarkDisallowed | An attempt was made to perform a keep piecemark operation, but in this case it cannot be allowed. |
LockedByAnotherUser | A needed element was already locked by another process, possibly another process under this current user or one from another user. This can be, somewhat, addressed by implementingw or using a LockHandler which will wait until that element can be locked. |
LockedEnd | Attempt to change a member end which is locked (not a temporary lock to prevent two users from changing something at the same time, but a user lock flag on the end is set to prevent future modifications). |
MembersOverlap | The changes made would cause two members to overlap in an illegal way. |
ModelComplete | The operation could not proceed because it would change a member which is model complete (restrictive) |
PiecemarkIsFrozen | The operation could not proceed because it would require changing a member with a frozen piecemark. |
StationRestriction | The current station type, or license, does not allow this type of change. |