Class MemberEndBrief
The fixed length (rapid access) data on a member.
Inherited Members
Namespace: DesignData.SDS2.Model
Assembly: DesignData.SDS2.Model.dll
public class MemberEndBrief
A compression load tends to compress or shorten the member.
An entry of '0' (zero) prevents the system from using compression in its calculations for the design of the connection on this end of the beam.
A non-zero load will be combined with the "Compression load" entered to the "Gusset Interface Forces" column for use in the design of a clip angle or end plate or shear thru plate or single-plate shear (shear tab) connection. Before entering a load, see the warning.
public double CompressionLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
When true, prevent the system from performing checks on the framing situation that impact this connection. When false, the system will perform framing situation checks and adjust this connection for erectability purposes.
public bool DisableFramingSituationChecks { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
If true, then the system will calculate a default load based on setup values.
public bool IsAutoMomentLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
If true, then NonMomentBoltDiameter is determined by the system based on setup values. If false, then the user/API must set NonMomentBoltDiameter.
public bool IsAutoNonMomentBoltDiameter { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
If true, then NonMomentBoltTypeToSupported is determined by the system based on setup values. If false, then the user/API must set NonMomentBoltTypeToSupported
public bool IsAutoNonMomentBoltTypeToSupported { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
If true, then NonMomentBoltTypeToSupporting is determined by the system based on setup values. If false, then the user/API must set NonMomentBoltTypeToSupporting
public bool IsAutoNonMomentBoltTypeToSupporting { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
This field only applies to beam connections
If true, then the system will calculate a default panel moment load based on setup values.
public bool IsAutoPanelMomentLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
If true, then the system will calculate a default load based on setup values.
public bool IsAutoShearLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
If true, then the system will calculate a default load based on setup values.
public bool IsAutoTieForce { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
The exact location of this member end, in global coordinates.
public Point3D Location { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Point3D | Exact point in global coordinates, in inches. |
Automatic specifies that the system create the connection on this end of the beam based on the choice made to Fabricator Setup > Member Detailing Settings > the "Beams" section > "Provide minimum cope depth."
Yes instructs the system to ignore the k distance of the supporting member when calculating the depth of the cope. This will provide a cope of minimum depth.
No configures the system to cope the supported beam so that it clears the k distance of the supporting member.
public AutomaticYesNo MinimumCopeDepth { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AutomaticYesNo |
If all loads are set to auto, then the auto loads will match the capacity of the connection instead of the allowable loads
public AutomaticYesNo MinimumSetupConnection { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
AutomaticYesNo |
The moment entered here is used in the design of the connection on this end of the beam if " Moment" settings have been applied. This option is disabled (grayed-out) when the "Moment type" for this end is set to 'Non-moment,' unless the "User defined connection" for this end is a moment connection, for which case this field is enabled (editable). For moment splice plates, connection design attempts to synchronize the moment load on each of the two beams being spliced so that each load is the same value. If one beam has an 'Auto' moment load and the other beam has a user-entered moment load, the load on both beam are set equal to the user-entered "Moment load." If both beams have user-entered moment loads and those loads are not the same, the connection fails.
public double MomentLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
This can always be read, but can only be set if AutoMomentLoad is false.
The diameter of bolts to use when there is no moment
public double NonMomentBoltDiameter { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
The type of bolt to use, when there is no moment, to fasten connection material to this (the supported) member
public BoltType NonMomentBoltTypeToSupported { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
BoltType |
The type of bolt to use, when there is no moment, to fasten connection material to the supporting member.
public BoltType NonMomentBoltTypeToSupporting { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
BoltType |
If true, panel moment load is determined by this system. Only applies to seismic frame members. If it is not seismic, the moment load and panel moment load are the same. When framing to another beam, this value will be 0. If it is a standard moment connection to a column, this value is disabled, and the panel moment load is the same as the moment load.
public double PanelMomentLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
This can always be read, but can only be set if AutoPanelMomentLoad is false.
The shear end reaction entered here -- under " Loads" -- will be combined with the "Shear load" entered to the "Gusset Interface Forces" column and then will used in the design of the "System designed connection" on this end of the beam.
public double ShearLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
This can always be read, but can only be set if AutoShearLoad is false.
For beam splices, connection design attempts to synchronize the shear load on each of the two beams being spliced so that each load is the same value. If one beam has an 'Auto' shear load and the other beam has a user-entered shear load, the load on both beam are set equal to the user-entered "Shear load." If both beams have user-entered shear loads and those loads are not the same, the connection fails.
only valid for moment connections.
An entry of '0' (zero) prevents the system from using story load in its calculations for moment connections on this end of the beam.
A non-zero applies to the design of the connection on this end of a beam if this end of the beam frames to a column flange and " Moment" options have been applied.
public double StoryShearLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
A tension load tends to stretch a member in the direction of its length.
An entry of '0' (zero) prevents the system from using tension in its calculations for the design of the connection on this end of the beam.
A non-zero load will be combined with the "Tension load" entered to the "Gusset Interface Forces" column for use in the design of a clip angle or end plate or shear thru plate or single-plate shear (shear tab) connection. Before entering a load, see the warning.
public double TensionLoad { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
This " Loads" option was is available for most "Connection design methods."
An entry of '0' (zero) prevents the system from using the tying force to check the structural integrity of the connection on this end of the beam.
A non-zero load instructs connection design to use this tying force to check the structural integrity of the connection on this end of the beam, as required by Section 1615 of the International Building Code (2015) for high-rise buildings.
public double TieForce { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double |
This can always be read, but can only be set if AutoTieForce is false.
If true, the sytem looks to the appropriate section in Fabricator Setup > Standard Fabricator Connections > Plates to determine the plate thicknesses to be used for end plates, shear plates, beam web doublers, column web doubler plates for moment connections, column stiffeners for moment connections, flange plates for bolted or welded moment connections, plates used for extended tees, web extension plates for extended clip angles, bent plates, plate seats, stiffeners for angle seats and splice plates. First the system calculates the thickness of the plate required to stand up to the load, then it chooses a plate from the list that is the calculated required thickness or the next thicker. If the plate from the list results in material interferences or too narrow a clearance or a thickness outside of AISC guidelines, the system fails the connection and gives you the failure message, "Suitable plate thickness not found."
If false, the system rounds the calculated required thickness of plates as based on the load to the next 1/16 inch (or 1/8 inch if the calculated required thickness is greater than 5/16 inch).
public bool UseMiscPlatesList { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Boolean | disposing |
protected void Finalize()