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Tkinter Namespace Reference

Wrapper functions for Tcl/Tk. More...


class  BaseWidget
 Internal class. More...
class  BitmapImage
 Widget which can display a bitmap. More...
class  BooleanVar
 Value holder for boolean variables. More...
class  Button
 Button widget. More...
class  CallWrapper
 Internal class. More...
class  Canvas
 Canvas widget to display graphical elements like lines or text. More...
class  Checkbutton
 Checkbutton widget which is either in on- or off-state. More...
class  DoubleVar
 Value holder for float variables. More...
class  Entry
 Entry widget which allows to display simple text. More...
class  Event
 Container for the properties of an event. More...
class  Frame
 Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D border. More...
class  Grid
 Geometry manager Grid. More...
class  Image
 Base class for images. More...
class  IntVar
 Value holder for integer variables. More...
class  Label
 Label widget which can display text and bitmaps. More...
class  LabelFrame
 labelframe widget. More...
class  Listbox
 Listbox widget which can display a list of strings. More...
class  Menu
 Menu widget which allows to display menu bars, pull-down menus and pop-up menus. More...
class  Menubutton
 Menubutton widget, obsolete since Tk8.0. More...
class  Message
 Message widget to display multiline text. More...
class  Misc
 Internal class. More...
class  OptionMenu
 OptionMenu which allows the user to select a value from a menu. More...
class  Pack
 Geometry manager Pack. More...
class  PanedWindow
 panedwindow widget. More...
class  PhotoImage
 Widget which can display colored images in GIF, PPM/PGM format. More...
class  Place
 Geometry manager Place. More...
class  Radiobutton
 Radiobutton widget which shows only one of several buttons in on-state. More...
class  Scale
 Scale widget which can display a numerical scale. More...
class  Scrollbar
 Scrollbar widget which displays a slider at a certain position. More...
class  Spinbox
 spinbox widget. More...
class  StringVar
 Value holder for strings variables. More...
class  Studbutton
 No documentation available. More...
class  Text
 Text widget which can display text in various forms. More...
class  Tk
 Toplevel widget of Tk which represents mostly the main window of an application. More...
class  Toplevel
 Toplevel widget, e.g. More...
class  Tributton
 No documentation available. More...
class  Variable
 Class to define value holders for e.g. More...
class  Widget
 Internal class. More...
class  Wm
 Provides functions for the communication with the window manager. More...
class  XView
 Mix-in class for querying and changing the horizontal position of a widget's window. More...
class  YView
 Mix-in class for querying and changing the vertical position of a widget's window. More...


def At
def AtEnd
def AtInsert
def AtSelFirst
def AtSelLast
def getboolean
def image_names
def image_types
def mainloop
def NoDefaultRoot
def Tcl


string __version__ = '$Revision$'
string ACTIVE = 'active'
string ALL = 'all'
string ANCHOR = 'anchor'
string ARC = 'arc'
string BASELINE = 'baseline'
string BEVEL = 'bevel'
string BOTH = 'both'
string BOTTOM = 'bottom'
string BROWSE = 'browse'
string BUTT = 'butt'
string CASCADE = 'cascade'
string CENTER = 'center'
string CHAR = 'char'
string CHECKBUTTON = 'checkbutton'
string CHORD = 'chord'
string COMMAND = 'command'
string CURRENT = 'current'
string DISABLED = 'disabled'
string DOTBOX = 'dotbox'
string E = 'e'
string END = 'end'
string EW = 'ew'
string EXTENDED = 'extended'
int FALSE = 0
string FIRST = 'first'
string FLAT = 'flat'
string GROOVE = 'groove'
string HIDDEN = 'hidden'
string HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal'
string INSERT = 'insert'
string INSIDE = 'inside'
string LAST = 'last'
string LEFT = 'left'
string MITER = 'miter'
string MOVETO = 'moveto'
string MULTIPLE = 'multiple'
string N = 'n'
string NE = 'ne'
int NO = 0
string NONE = 'none'
string NORMAL = 'normal'
string NS = 'ns'
string NSEW = 'nsew'
string NUMERIC = 'numeric'
string NW = 'nw'
int OFF = 0
int ON = 1
string OUTSIDE = 'outside'
string PAGES = 'pages'
string PIESLICE = 'pieslice'
string PROJECTING = 'projecting'
string RADIOBUTTON = 'radiobutton'
string RAISED = 'raised'
int READABLE = 2
string RIDGE = 'ridge'
string RIGHT = 'right'
string ROUND = 'round'
string S = 's'
string SCROLL = 'scroll'
string SE = 'se'
string SEL = 'sel'
string SEL_FIRST = 'sel.first'
string SEL_LAST = 'sel.last'
string SEPARATOR = 'separator'
string SINGLE = 'single'
string SOLID = 'solid'
tuple StringTypes = (<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>)
string SUNKEN = 'sunken'
string SW = 'sw'
float TclVersion = 8.5
float TkVersion = 8.5
string TOP = 'top'
int TRUE = 1
string UNDERLINE = 'underline'
string UNITS = 'units'
string VERTICAL = 'vertical'
string W = 'w'
int wantobjects = 1
string WORD = 'word'
int WRITABLE = 4
string X = 'x'
string Y = 'y'
int YES = 1

Detailed Description

Wrapper functions for Tcl/Tk.

Tkinter provides classes which allow the display, positioning and control of widgets. Toplevel widgets are Tk and Toplevel. Other widgets are Frame, Label, Entry, Text, Canvas, Button, Radiobutton, Checkbutton, Scale, Listbox, Scrollbar, OptionMenu, Spinbox LabelFrame and PanedWindow.

Properties of the widgets are specified with keyword arguments. Keyword arguments have the same name as the corresponding resource under Tk.

Widgets are positioned with one of the geometry managers Place, Pack or Grid. These managers can be called with methods place, pack, grid available in every Widget.

Actions are bound to events by resources (e.g. keyword argument command) or with the method bind.

Example (Hello, World): import Tkinter from Tkconstants import * tk = Tkinter.Tk() frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2) frame.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1) label = Tkinter.Label(frame, text="Hello, World") label.pack(fill=X, expand=1) button = Tkinter.Button(frame,text="Exit",command=tk.destroy) button.pack(side=BOTTOM) tk.mainloop()

Function Documentation

def Tkinter.At (   args)
def Tkinter.AtEnd (   args)
 # Indices:
 # XXX I don't like these -- take them away
def Tkinter.AtInsert (   args)
def Tkinter.AtSelFirst (   args)
def Tkinter.AtSelLast (   args)
def Tkinter.getboolean (   args)
 Convert true and false to integer values 1 and 0.
def Tkinter.image_names (   args)
def Tkinter.image_types (   args)
def Tkinter.mainloop (   args)
 Run the main loop of Tcl.
def Tkinter.NoDefaultRoot (   args)
 Inhibit setting of default root window.
 Call this function to inhibit that the first instance of
 Tk is used for windows without an explicit parent window.
def Tkinter.Tcl (   args)

Variable Documentation

string Tkinter.__version__ = '$Revision$'
string Tkinter.ACTIVE = 'active'
string Tkinter.ALL = 'all'
string Tkinter.ANCHOR = 'anchor'
string Tkinter.ARC = 'arc'
string Tkinter.BASELINE = 'baseline'
string Tkinter.BEVEL = 'bevel'
string Tkinter.BOTH = 'both'
string Tkinter.BOTTOM = 'bottom'
string Tkinter.BROWSE = 'browse'
string Tkinter.BUTT = 'butt'
string Tkinter.CASCADE = 'cascade'
string Tkinter.CENTER = 'center'
string Tkinter.CHAR = 'char'
string Tkinter.CHECKBUTTON = 'checkbutton'
string Tkinter.CHORD = 'chord'
string Tkinter.COMMAND = 'command'
string Tkinter.CURRENT = 'current'
string Tkinter.DISABLED = 'disabled'
string Tkinter.DOTBOX = 'dotbox'
string Tkinter.E = 'e'
string Tkinter.END = 'end'
string Tkinter.EW = 'ew'
int Tkinter.EXCEPTION = 8
string Tkinter.EXTENDED = 'extended'
int Tkinter.FALSE = 0
string Tkinter.FIRST = 'first'
string Tkinter.FLAT = 'flat'
string Tkinter.GROOVE = 'groove'
string Tkinter.HIDDEN = 'hidden'
string Tkinter.HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal'
string Tkinter.INSERT = 'insert'
string Tkinter.INSIDE = 'inside'
string Tkinter.LAST = 'last'
string Tkinter.LEFT = 'left'
string Tkinter.MITER = 'miter'
string Tkinter.MOVETO = 'moveto'
string Tkinter.MULTIPLE = 'multiple'
string Tkinter.N = 'n'
string Tkinter.NE = 'ne'
int Tkinter.NO = 0
string Tkinter.NONE = 'none'
string Tkinter.NORMAL = 'normal'
string Tkinter.NS = 'ns'
string Tkinter.NSEW = 'nsew'
string Tkinter.NUMERIC = 'numeric'
string Tkinter.NW = 'nw'
int Tkinter.OFF = 0
int Tkinter.ON = 1
string Tkinter.OUTSIDE = 'outside'
string Tkinter.PAGES = 'pages'
string Tkinter.PIESLICE = 'pieslice'
string Tkinter.PROJECTING = 'projecting'
string Tkinter.RADIOBUTTON = 'radiobutton'
string Tkinter.RAISED = 'raised'
int Tkinter.READABLE = 2
string Tkinter.RIDGE = 'ridge'
string Tkinter.RIGHT = 'right'
string Tkinter.ROUND = 'round'
string Tkinter.S = 's'
string Tkinter.SCROLL = 'scroll'
string Tkinter.SE = 'se'
string Tkinter.SEL = 'sel'
string Tkinter.SEL_FIRST = 'sel.first'
string Tkinter.SEL_LAST = 'sel.last'
string Tkinter.SEPARATOR = 'separator'
string Tkinter.SINGLE = 'single'
string Tkinter.SOLID = 'solid'
tuple Tkinter.StringTypes = (<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>)
string Tkinter.SUNKEN = 'sunken'
string Tkinter.SW = 'sw'
float Tkinter.TclVersion = 8.5
float Tkinter.TkVersion = 8.5
string Tkinter.TOP = 'top'
int Tkinter.TRUE = 1
string Tkinter.UNDERLINE = 'underline'
string Tkinter.UNITS = 'units'
string Tkinter.VERTICAL = 'vertical'
string Tkinter.W = 'w'
int Tkinter.wantobjects = 1
string Tkinter.WORD = 'word'
int Tkinter.WRITABLE = 4
string Tkinter.X = 'x'
string Tkinter.Y = 'y'
int Tkinter.YES = 1